Rainbow Hawks' Art:
Fine Art in Black and White Created in the stipple medium - .10mm dots of ink
Brief Biography of the artist:
Rainbow Hawk is well known around the world for his art, environmental & peace activism over a lifetime and a myriad of community service efforts which have been greatly successful.
Much of his work and efforts are well documented, requiring a simple Google search of his name, or of the great many projects globally that he is directly involved with, many of which he either founded or co-founded. He can also be found on Facebook, with his thousands of friends and hundreds of links & groups which he is associated with: https://www.facebook.com/theerainbowhawk
The principle English language Community page being: https://www.facebook.com/GlobalRainbowGatheringsOfTheTribes
He is a founder of the global Rainbow Tribe(s) which include participants from all cultures sponsoring the Rainbow Gatherings of the Tribes, Peace Projects, Environmental Groups, Relief efforts in many lands and a myriad of cooperative efforts towards Human & Natural Rights on all levels. He is also a founder of Greenpeace and a Keeper/Carrier of the Prophecy of the Warriors of the Rainbow:
"When the Mother Earth is sick and the animals dying, there will come a tribe of peoples from all cultures who believe in deeds, not words, and they will restore the Mother Earth to her former beauty.
This Tribe will be called, The Warriors of the Rainbow."
for which both the Rainbow Network(s) are named, as well as the reason for the Greenpeace flagship being named the Rainbow Warrior (now in its' third incarnation with the Rainbow Warrior III currently under construction). Sharing the Prophecy with Bob Marley inspired his song Sun is Shining. Many music groups have been inspired by it as well.
Throughout his life he has been a musician/vocalist; an artist who has worked in all mediums and is totally self taught; an author of countless essays regarding his numerous endeavors worldwide; a thespian.... with his basic philosophy being that there is no culture without the arts.
The successes of his environmental efforts are well known and he is considered legendary for them. And with pride his has never been paid for any worthy efforts he has been so instrumental in creating/co-creating/assisting. In fact he has poured much of what he has made in life into them.
With such a background and the quality of his artwork anybody who may purchase one, or more, of his Limited Edition Prints can be reasonably certain that it will increase in value greatly and be a treasure to share.
About Rainbows' artwork collection:
This series of artwork was created over a 15& year time period and the average time to create each piece was about 2 1/2 months, with some requiring up to 4 1/2 months (working 10-12& hour days, every day) and some composed of up to nearly 2 million dots of ink. Ink is a totally unforgiving of errors medium so allows no mistakes in the process of creation.
All is freehanded with no mechanical aids other than the .10mm rapidograph (technical pen) used and sometimes using graphite pencil for rough layout ahead of inking. All are totally original so exist nowhere else in the history of art.
These are being produced as Limited Edition Prints of 500 for each design, done on Strathmore 300 Bristol to insure the highest of quality. Besides the well known quality of Strathmore art papers part of the reason for using it is that the company itself is totally wind powered, which fits Rainbows' personal philosophy of keeping as environmentally sound as possible. Each piece of course will be numbered, titled and signed by the artist.
Why has Rainbow choosen to release his collection now:
The primary purposes for this offering is to raise funding for the many efforts which Rainbow is involved with globally and to support the efforts towards establishing the
La Paz Eco Village project:
http://lapazecovillage1.weebly.com/index.html &
The Rainbow Peace Fleet project(s):
Various projects now being parts of the Rainbow Peace Fleet:
www.pacificvoyagers.org (Pacific Voyagers videos and other link below)
Ocean Story/The Nautical Tribe links and video below:
Documenting the December, 2012 Global Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes in Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico:
Videos from the Gathering in Palenque:
Palenque December 21st, 2012
Compiled listings of videos done at the Gathering
Video Links for the Gathering:
Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico December 2012:
I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/jvojkz9l Desped�da de los amigos en Palenque..
Via Jameson Godlove/One Feather
<object width="640" height="480"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="movie" value="https://www.facebook.com/v/4935119386971"></param><embed src="https://www.facebook.com/v/4935119386971" allowfullscreen="1" width="640" height="480"></embed></object>
Via Lorena
Various others
Mayan & Aztec Dancers at Palenque:
Massive Group Hug at the Pyramids
Levitation at the Gathering (of course a clever simulation)
Same film maker as the above, but purely a visual tour of Palenque
It can safely be assumed that she has lots of footage of the Gathering
Mayan ceremony at Palenque
Russian Rainbows and friends trip to Palenque
Not the Gathering but a good history of Palenque (In Spanish)
He does not seek personal gain, other than meeting his most basic of living needs and creating his own living and working space at the La Paz Eco Village project itself.
The lions share of any funding raised through this offering will go towards causes which Rainbow deeply feels need financial and material support.
So know that any purchase you may make will help fund worthy efforts towards making the world a little better place, which you too may decide that you would want to be involved in, if you are not already.
Fine Art in Black and White Created in the stipple medium - .10mm dots of ink
Brief Biography of the artist:
Rainbow Hawk is well known around the world for his art, environmental & peace activism over a lifetime and a myriad of community service efforts which have been greatly successful.
Much of his work and efforts are well documented, requiring a simple Google search of his name, or of the great many projects globally that he is directly involved with, many of which he either founded or co-founded. He can also be found on Facebook, with his thousands of friends and hundreds of links & groups which he is associated with: https://www.facebook.com/theerainbowhawk
The principle English language Community page being: https://www.facebook.com/GlobalRainbowGatheringsOfTheTribes
He is a founder of the global Rainbow Tribe(s) which include participants from all cultures sponsoring the Rainbow Gatherings of the Tribes, Peace Projects, Environmental Groups, Relief efforts in many lands and a myriad of cooperative efforts towards Human & Natural Rights on all levels. He is also a founder of Greenpeace and a Keeper/Carrier of the Prophecy of the Warriors of the Rainbow:
"When the Mother Earth is sick and the animals dying, there will come a tribe of peoples from all cultures who believe in deeds, not words, and they will restore the Mother Earth to her former beauty.
This Tribe will be called, The Warriors of the Rainbow."
for which both the Rainbow Network(s) are named, as well as the reason for the Greenpeace flagship being named the Rainbow Warrior (now in its' third incarnation with the Rainbow Warrior III currently under construction). Sharing the Prophecy with Bob Marley inspired his song Sun is Shining. Many music groups have been inspired by it as well.
Throughout his life he has been a musician/vocalist; an artist who has worked in all mediums and is totally self taught; an author of countless essays regarding his numerous endeavors worldwide; a thespian.... with his basic philosophy being that there is no culture without the arts.
The successes of his environmental efforts are well known and he is considered legendary for them. And with pride his has never been paid for any worthy efforts he has been so instrumental in creating/co-creating/assisting. In fact he has poured much of what he has made in life into them.
With such a background and the quality of his artwork anybody who may purchase one, or more, of his Limited Edition Prints can be reasonably certain that it will increase in value greatly and be a treasure to share.
About Rainbows' artwork collection:
This series of artwork was created over a 15& year time period and the average time to create each piece was about 2 1/2 months, with some requiring up to 4 1/2 months (working 10-12& hour days, every day) and some composed of up to nearly 2 million dots of ink. Ink is a totally unforgiving of errors medium so allows no mistakes in the process of creation.
All is freehanded with no mechanical aids other than the .10mm rapidograph (technical pen) used and sometimes using graphite pencil for rough layout ahead of inking. All are totally original so exist nowhere else in the history of art.
These are being produced as Limited Edition Prints of 500 for each design, done on Strathmore 300 Bristol to insure the highest of quality. Besides the well known quality of Strathmore art papers part of the reason for using it is that the company itself is totally wind powered, which fits Rainbows' personal philosophy of keeping as environmentally sound as possible. Each piece of course will be numbered, titled and signed by the artist.
Why has Rainbow choosen to release his collection now:
The primary purposes for this offering is to raise funding for the many efforts which Rainbow is involved with globally and to support the efforts towards establishing the
La Paz Eco Village project:
http://lapazecovillage1.weebly.com/index.html &
The Rainbow Peace Fleet project(s):
Various projects now being parts of the Rainbow Peace Fleet:
www.pacificvoyagers.org (Pacific Voyagers videos and other link below)
Ocean Story/The Nautical Tribe links and video below:
Documenting the December, 2012 Global Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes in Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico:
Videos from the Gathering in Palenque:
Palenque December 21st, 2012
Compiled listings of videos done at the Gathering
Video Links for the Gathering:
Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico December 2012:
I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/jvojkz9l Desped�da de los amigos en Palenque..
Via Jameson Godlove/One Feather
<object width="640" height="480"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="movie" value="https://www.facebook.com/v/4935119386971"></param><embed src="https://www.facebook.com/v/4935119386971" allowfullscreen="1" width="640" height="480"></embed></object>
Via Lorena
Various others
Mayan & Aztec Dancers at Palenque:
Massive Group Hug at the Pyramids
Levitation at the Gathering (of course a clever simulation)
Same film maker as the above, but purely a visual tour of Palenque
It can safely be assumed that she has lots of footage of the Gathering
Mayan ceremony at Palenque
Russian Rainbows and friends trip to Palenque
Not the Gathering but a good history of Palenque (In Spanish)
He does not seek personal gain, other than meeting his most basic of living needs and creating his own living and working space at the La Paz Eco Village project itself.
The lions share of any funding raised through this offering will go towards causes which Rainbow deeply feels need financial and material support.
So know that any purchase you may make will help fund worthy efforts towards making the world a little better place, which you too may decide that you would want to be involved in, if you are not already.